A Spring HArvest
SATB-Choir, A Cappella
First performance: En Kör, Queen Silvia Concert Hall, 2023-11-17
Program note
“Death can make us loathsome and helpless as individuals, but it cannot put an end to the immortal four! May God bless you my dear John Ronald and may you say things I have tried to say long after I am not there to say them if such be my lot
The above text can well be considered to be the last written words of Geoffrey Bache-Smith, Late Lieutenant of the Lancashire Fusiliers. He died in 1916, only 20 years old; just a year older than I am today, writing this preface. A collection of his poetry was published after the war by his close friend J.R.R Tolkien under the title "A Spring Harvest".
This action was not just an act of kindness on Tolkien's part (publishing the works of one's dead friends or family members as a kind of eulogy was common practice at the time), but because he genuinely felt that Geoffrey had something to say with his work.
Having read through the collection, I am inclined to agree, and felt I had to at least attempt to set some of them to music. Geoffrey Bache Smith never did get to say all those things he wanted to say; "grim old kindly Death" got to him before he had the chance, and now nothing remains of the immortal four except in memory. It is therefore my hope with this piece that I may be able to let another voice speak the words that Geoffrey wished to say, and let his work reach new people in a different way.
-Oskar Österling, 2024